om meg Ronja fra happy goating



Happy Goating is not just for people with goats or goat enthusiasts. It's a way of living life inspired by my goats. They are curious, playful, inventive, lovely creatures with a great personality who love food, mountains, nature, hikes, herbs, jumping and bouncing etc.
Here you can read more about how I came up with the Happy-Goating lifestyle.

how it all started

In 2014 I decided to take a break from my "standard" life in Germany, sold and gave away everything I owned except what fit in my backpack, and set out on my journey. The original plan was to get away from everyday life, find out what I want and then return. Well, it didn't go quite as planned - Fortunately! 🙂

I had traveled around Europe for almost a year before I ended up in Norway. In the meantime, I have worked for board and lodging in the most different places and met such nice and inspiring people. Everyone gave me something along the way. In Ireland I discovered my gardening heart by experiencing that food (which I have always loved) that I had grown myself filled not only my belly but also my chest with joy, pride and such a satisfying feeling of having done something meaningful.

The more people I met who lived free lives that they filled with their own meaning, the more I was inspired and wanted to get that kind of life for myself.

about settling down

At first I thought I should just keep traveling forever and that's what freedom was. When I first came to Norway, I therefore had no plans to stay. But I had instantly fallen in love with the Norwegian wilderness. I had never before experienced entire valleys without houses, roads or power lines. And for the very first time I have felt like I belong... Not a special place but in that mountain nature.

It still took me a few YEARS before I could admit that I was no longer on the journey and was now living in Norway. I was afraid of losing my freedom by settling even if I had been tired of my traveling lifestyle. I also had to move back and forth quite a few times to realize this.

Det var ønske om å kunne stelle med en hage i minst ei hel sesong som fikk meg til slutt til å akseptere tanken å slå meg ned på en plass. Og nå, to år senere planter jeg trær, har geiter og har dermed knyttet meg til stedet så mye som det bare går an - og ironisk nok så føler jeg meg friere enn noen sinne! Jeg brenner for det jeg gjør og jeg valgte alt sammen.

happy goating

Jeg har vært fascinert av geiter lenge nå. Det begynte faktisk med at jeg ble kalt først "cabrita"(geitkje) i Spania og "fjellgeit" første dagen min i Norge. Folk så noe geitaktig i meg lenge før jeg visste noe særlig om disse dyrene. I begge tilfellene var jeg veldig til stedet der jeg var og hoppet rundt for å utforske omgivelsen min. Begge gangene hadde jeg også nettopp lagt en negativ opplevelse bak meg og hadde blikket rettet i stor takknemlighet og beundring på det fine ved livet og naturen. Det fylte meg med livsglede, nysgjerrighet og en trang til å hoppe og sprette - det er nettopp det som Happy Goating er for meg. Det kan være alt som gir meg denne følelsen.

why i'm writing this blog

The feeling is not always as intense and, in addition, I sometimes get so absorbed in everyday life and worries that I almost lose the spark. By writing here on the blog, I will try to focus my attention again and again on what I am grateful for and what makes me happy, so that Happy Goating also establishes itself permanently in my everyday life.

And I hope to be able to inspire you to find your very own way to live a free and meaningful life and the courage to live it ♡

get to know me

RONJA at the moment

what I want to learn more about in 2023

  • growing mushrooms both in- and outdoors
  • long-time-storaged cheeses
  • perennial vegetables and rare varieties
  • restoration of an old hay meadow
  • make instant-meals with my dehydrator

current projects

  • set up the blog and fill it with lots of fun stuff
  • planning a winter garden
  • dreaming and partially planning the new growing season
  • needle felting

current interests

  • growing, foraging and storing of food
  • diy-projects around the house, garden and barn
  • herbal medicine (only norwegian books)
  • self reliance & preparedness
  • goats & cheesemaking
  • books
  • beekeeping
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